Physical Healing

Knees Healed

July 21, 2016
Someone gets healed in their knees after receiving prayer.

I visited the healing room in February 2016, while in Redding to attend the Prophetic Conference. I had no physical needs and did not intend to ask for healing, but was surprised when the first word of knowledge was concerning a knee. I've had a minor knee issue for years and years. I've just dealt with it. I had no major pain, just ongoing knee weakness and instability with swelling that would not allow me to completely bend it to kneel or squat. I constantly guarded it and was careful not to do anything risky. I had received a total healing for it a few years ago at a healing conference, but it quickly came back after I got home. When the word for a knee was called out that day, I reluctantly claimed it, seeing that others' needs were much greater than mine. Not only was it healed that day, but I continue to have no recurrence of symptoms or issues at all! Amazing! I had prepared myself to just live with it. God had other plans for me! Amen!

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