Men's Ministry

Empowering Local Men to Foster Deep Connections That Lead To Healthy Homes

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About Bethel Men's Ministry

Our passion is to fill homes with humble men whose hearts have been captured by God and who have become covenant men—effective fathers, loving husbands, wholehearted sons, and connected brothers.

We are on a mission to heal the narrative of masculinity across a generation and in our local communities. We fight the good fight together because we believe every man should feel confident and capable of facing his pain, loving deeply, and leading a life that impacts the world around him.

We equip men for the journey of manhood and embrace the truth that no person was designed to thrive alone. We are in pursuit of wholeness, purpose, and brotherhood. For men who are struggling with sexual addiction, we offer The Whole Man Project on Monday nights. As well, we have Men's Core Groups that meet weekly, and quarterly men's breakfasts to develop strong connections among the Bethel brotherhood.

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Our Team

Jason Vallotton

Men's Pastor & Pastoral Care Overseer

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Men's Ministry

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