The Next Steps Toward the Future

Arise & Build
Arise & Build Updates

The Next Steps Toward the Future

Jun 28, 2023
Arise & Build Update

As we see the favor of God on the Arise and Build project through both His words and His provision, we feel encouraged that we’re right where He has called us to be, stewarding the important work He has placed in our hands.

Over the years, Dr. Michael Maiden has given our movement powerful and timely prophetic words, including some which were very specific to this project. Just weeks ago at a conference for our local church, he released another inspiring and encouraging word, and we’d like to share it with you. Watch the video below to hear the word:

We are investing in a hope-filled future and preparing for what we believe will affect the course of world history. In this project, we will arise and build to prepare the way for the greater works of God here on earth through His manifest presence. This is the heart of Arise & Build: to prepare our facilities and enlarge our capacity to train, equip, and deploy a new generation of revivalist that will take Jesus to a world that waits to know Him. 

We have made significant progress in following the word of the Lord through our new campus campaign, and construction is underway on our first building. In keeping with our commitment to building debt free and the “now” words, we are believing for all of the resources to come in so we can begin work on the main worship center.

We invite you to partner with us in faith and in action today!

Thank you for standing with us in this pivotal hour as a movement of hearts focused on revival to see God's will accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.

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Prayer Points

The Practicals
  • Pray for our community to walk in faith to build the Collyer Campus debt-free.
  • Pray for all those who partner with this vision, that they would be blessed!
  • Pray for the provision of $33M needed by June 2024 to keep timelines on track.

The Vision
  • Pray for the spirit of revival to move through the nations.
  • Pray for a multicultural, multigenerational move of God to rise up.
  • Pray for wisdom to steward the souls that will come to know Jesus.
  • Pray for provision to continue to build spaces to train and equip revivalists.
  • Pray for the miraculous signs of the Holy Spirit to break out.
  • Pray for the future generations, that hearts would be set ablaze for His glory.

Give Today

Thank you for partnering your prayers and your resources with this world-changing project. We invite you to give today!

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About Arise & Build

We are building a new campus. On a spacious 58 acre property, the future Collyer Campus will provide a new center to accommodate the expansion of both Bethel Church and Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, with the core objective to resource and facilitate the training and equipping of passionate believers through classes, conferences, and weekend services.


Arise & Build Updates

March 28, 2024

Collyer Campus Virtual Tour

See the new worship center come to life in this animated video.

November 3, 2023

Writing on the Walls

We’ve been filling the walls of the pastoral office building at Collyer with promises, declarations, scriptures, and words of faith.

October 20, 2023

The Legacy Roundtables

Join us for three impactful discussions on YouTube with Bethel Leadership of many generations for The Legacy Roundtables.