Physical Healing

Healed of TMJ

June 23, 2016
Someone receives healing from TMJ during Bethel's Healing School.

We received this testimony from a participant in Bethel's Healing School in May 2016:

It has been four weeks since I received prayer that my TMJ would be healed. I have not had any pain, clicking, headache on that side, or any eye twitching on that side since that night. I could not eat crunchy food like celery (my favorite) or carrots for over two years, and now I can eat it with no pain. Praise Jesus! I had seen a chiropractor who was working on my jaw and spine, but I was still having discomfort when we arrived in Redding. So it is difficult to document, but I know exactly when it happened, and I give all credit to Jesus! God is so good!

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