Physical Healing

Healed of Ankle Pain

June 5, 2017
A teenage girl gets complete healing in her ankle after students prayed for her during a mission trip to South Africa.

One of my favorite moments of the trip to South Africa was the last night we were there. A group of us went to do a service at a church. At the end, during the ministry time, a friend asked me to pray with her for a young girl, who was about 13 to 14 years old. She had hurt her ankle doing gymnastics. The doctor said it was going to take six weeks to recover, and she was in a lot of pain and couldn't even be with her friends. We prayed once and asked her to check her ankle pain and movement capacity. The pain decreased, but it was still there and painful. We prayed a second time. She took her flip-flop off and started to walk slowly. She turned back to walk back toward us and her parents, and she just exploded into tears and ran into her mom's arms and said, "I am healed! All the pain left! I am healed! " She was crying so much because of how happy and thankful she was for her miracle! This precious moment really touched me. He's better than we think. God doesn't need experts; He needs people that say yes.

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