Physical Healing

Food Sensitivity Healing

June 29, 2017
A woman gets healed from food allergies after reading a testimony of healing online.

I came to bethel.com looking for testimonies of Type 1 Diabetes being cured. My daughter was diagnosed with this 2 years ago. While browsing, I saw one about a gluten allergy being healed. This was one of my many food sensitivities. I read it and had the thought, This isn't your highest for me, God. That's all. When I was visiting family, I decided to try some homemade biscuits and gravy. And some steak. Neither of which I have been able to eat for years. I didn't get sick. I've been symptom-free since reading that testimony on bethel.com.  Praise Jesus!! I have greater faith in my daughter's full healing now, too!

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