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Dave Runyan

Facilities Director

David Runyan serves at Bethel Church, Redding as the Facilities Director. Born and raised in San Diego, Dave moved to Redding in the fall of 1977. After living here for 2 years, he was hired to work for the church by Pastor Earl Johnson, Bill Johnson’s father. He served as church janitor, painter, and maintenance man (along with a host of other jobs).

Over the years, Dave has served several administrations, learning as he went along just how to serve well. He has had the privilege of working for several amazing managers over the years but it wasn’t until Bill Johnson came to Redding that he really came alive in my job here. Thriving under Bill has been a true gift to him personally. As Bill invited the Holy Spirit to have His way, and as the renewal came to the church back in the mid-90s, his family was forever changed. Serving a leadership team under Bill that refuses to touch what God is doing, making room for whatever God wants to do, has been a true blessing.

A few years after Bill came, his role was put under the leadership of Charlie Harper where once again, he was blessed with another great man to thrive under. Many years later, he is now privileged to work with an amazing Facilities, Security, and IT team. He is ever grateful for the women and men that serve our movement so well in these departments.

Dave has attended Bethel for 43 years as of 2021. He met my wonderful wife here and together, they have 3 wonderful children and 9 grandchildren—what a joy! He looks forward to continuing to serve Bethel and its leadership team as long as God has him here. In the words of CS Lewis, “Further up and further in.”

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Dave Runyan

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