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Anne Catrett

Connect Pastor

Anne has been married for 41 years. She has 5 children and 12 grandchildren. Her table has always been the heart of her home and it started with her beautiful family. She enjoys hosting and teaching. She was an elementary teacher of primary grades and presently helps moms with homeschooling. In 2010, Anne received a miracle of healing, not only in her physical body, but also in her heart and soul. God has blessed her in all of His goodness and Anne living out of His abundance that He daily gives to her. Anne and her husband, Hiram, moved to Redding in January, 2014, and they both did first year BSSM that fall together. Anne was blessed to be able to do 2nd and 3rd year as well. Her joy is spending time with her grandchildren and mentoring women of all ages in her home at her table.

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Anne Catrett

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