Open Heavens

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sep 18, 2024


Sep 20, 2024

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Open Heavens

Open Heavens


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Friday, September 20, 2024




College View Campus

933 College View Dr.
Redding, CA 96003


At this time in the Body of Christ, we stand gazing at His promise once again. We are hungry for more of His presence and know that He has purposed to meet us in miraculous ways. We are stepping in to give it all in surrender to a faithful Father who will meet us and take the offering of our “yes” and multiply it beyond our comprehension.

Join us at Open Heavens 2024, happening September 18-20 in Redding, California, or online. As we meet God face-to-face, you will be refreshed, revived, filled up, and connected with a community who, like you, have chosen to give it all to God. We pray that at this gathering, you’ll be marked by His presence, gain vision to look at the assignment ahead of you, and feel the backing, joy, and delight of your Father over you. We pray you’ll walk away having encountered the Living God in power, marked with a fresh sense of faith, knowing that He is with you, and with Him anything is possible. We pray that you will stand confident knowing that the Lord is for you and wants to move through your life and demonstrate His saving grace on earth as it is in heaven.

Join us as we gather together to honor Jesus and believe for an outpouring of His Spirit upon us—and watch as He radically brings His Kingdom through your life.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Friday, September 20, 2024


00:00am - 00:00pm


College View Campus

933 College View Dr.
Redding, CA 96003


Join our Serve Team for Open Heavens

Volunteer at Open Heavens. Join the team and help make this event a success.

Volunteer Now


Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson

Senior Leader, Bethel

Kris Vallotton
Kris Vallotton

Senior Associate Leader, Bethel

Hayley Braun
Hayley Braun

BSSM Third Year Overseer

Jeremy Riddle
Jeremy Riddle

Bobby Conner
Bobby Conner

Bill Johnson

Senior Leader, Bethel

Bill Johnson is the Senior Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Bill is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. The present move of God has brought Bill into a deeper understanding of the phrase “on earth as it is in heaven.” Bill and the Bethel Church family have taken on this theme for life and ministry, where healing and miracles are normal. Bill teaches that we owe the world an encounter with God and a gospel without power is not the gospel Jesus preached. Bill is co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM).

Bill serves a growing number of churches partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. Bill and his late wife, Beni, have three children and eleven grandchildren. Their three children and spouses are all involved in full-time ministry.

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Bill Johnson

Kris Vallotton

Senior Associate Leader, Bethel

Kris and Kathy Vallotton are the Senior Associate Leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and have served on Bill Johnson’s apostolic team for decades. They are both co-founders of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Moral Revolution. For over 20 years Kris and Kathy have helped thousands of Believers realize their identity as sons and daughters of God.

Kris is a noted prophetic voice worldwide. As a bestselling author, he has written more than a dozen books and training manuals to help prepare believers for life in the kingdom. He’s a highly sought-after international speaker equipping people to successfully fulfill their divine purpose. Kris has a diverse background in business, counseling, consulting, pastoring, and teaching. He loves to both teach to the masses and advise leaders one-on-one, utilizing his experience and his prophetic gift to assist world influencers in achieving their goals. He commonly provides counsel to governmental and business leaders on practical strategies for cultural transformation and has unique expertise in economies and building prosperous communities.

Kris and Kathy are also successful entrepreneurs who co-owned 9 businesses in the automotive industry. Together, they direct KV Ministries and have traveled the world teaching and preaching about the goodness of God and the power of the Kingdom.

Kris and Kathy have been married for over 45 years and have four children and ten grandchildren.

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Kris Vallotton

Hayley Braun

BSSM Third Year Overseer

Hayley Braun is the Overseer of the BSSM Third Year program in Redding, California.

Born and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Hayley moved to Redding to attend BSSM in 2008, where she met her husband, Ryan.

Growing up in the church, Hayley started serving in many different spheres of the church at a young age and finding her passion – serving the Bride of Christ. She has a deep desire to see the people of God walk in true freedom, living a life liberated by the gospel and in connection with one another. Hayley and her family burn for revival and long to see the nations encounter God in a real and transformational way. Prior to being asked to pioneer the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Online, Hayley spent 10 years leading in Bethel’s Second Year School of Supernatural Ministry.

Hayley and Ryan have three children – Aiden, Liberty, and Ash and love to spend quality time at home or traveling together as a family and with their community.

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Hayley Braun

Jeremy Riddle

Jeremy Riddle is a lover and servant of Jesus Christ, devoted husband to the amazing Katie Riddle, and proud dad of their five children. Throughout the years he has been a songwriter, pastor, worship leader, and author. Jeremy is most passionate about the church becoming the fullness of what Christ intended her to be in the earth. He loves working with his hands, building things, and doing life with people who are wholehearted in their pursuit of Jesus.

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Jeremy Riddle

Bobby Conner

Bobby Conner has been ministering worldwide as a seasoned prophet of God for over five decades. Bobby is uniquely anointed with a profound, passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ and a fervent desire to discern and herald God’s voice to prepare the Lamb’s Bride to establish the Kingdom of God. Specifically, Bobby is called to sound the alarm and awaken the warriors to arise and contend for the true faith.

Bobby’s prophetic words—life-changing encouragement and exhortation for individuals, churches, regions, and nations—are documented the world over for their precision, accuracy, humor, and transformational power. Supernatural demonstrations of the miraculous, including physical and emotional healings, deliverance, signs, and wonders, follow Bobby’s prophetic ministry wherever he goes, revealing the loving heart of our Father God, glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, and establishing believers in their destiny, gifting’s and identity.

Having survived a failed abortion attempt and rescued by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, Bobby Conner lives in close, abiding intimacy with the Spirit of God and follows heaven’s mandate to set the captives free by imparting anointed revelation to the Body of Christ. Bobby is beloved throughout the world. He is honored for his extreme sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and vast knowledge of the Scriptures. Bobby’s messages are almost exclusively comprised of Bible verses, explicated with fresh revelation—a “now” Word from God—and a depth of wisdom and insight resulting from decades of study and friendship with God. Highly esteemed as an international prophet and conference speaker, Bobby has ministered in more than 50 countries and throughout the United States (speaking, on average, five times per week for more than four decades).

Bobby served as a Southern Baptist pastor for 27 years with his beloved wife, Carolyn. Together, they founded Eagles View Ministries, a global ministry mandated to establish the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of God’s power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). They are also called to empower and equip the Body of Christ to take dominion. Bobby and Carolyn strive to raise an overcoming generation (transcending age and gender) by boldly proclaiming God’s highest standards of purity and Christ’s resurrection power—the keys to the transformation of nations.

Bobby and Carolyn have been married for over 50 years and have two sons and five grandchildren. Bobby is the author of numerous books, each inspired by divine revelation and written with a burning passion for spreading the uncompromised message of the Kingdom of God to every nation.

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Bobby Conner

Worship Leaders


Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:30 pm

Session 1

9:00 pm

Worship Rooms

Thursday, September 19, 2024
8:15 am

Devos & Worship Rooms

10:00 am

Session 2

2:30 pm

Session 3

6:30 pm

Session 4

9:00 pm

Worship Rooms

Friday, September 20, 2024
8:15 am

Devos & Worship Rooms

10:00 am

Session 5

2:30 pm

Session 6

6:30 pm

Session 7

Pricing & Registration

In-Person Overflow Experience


Please Note: Our Sanctuary is full. Please join us in-person in our Overflow Room!

Redding, CA

Register Now

Online Experience—Live & On-Demand

Register Now


General Questions
How can I get more connected with Bethel?
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We love to provide great resources for our friends and churches around the world. You’ll find great revival resources on Bethel.TV, our online store (books, CDs, DVDs), our free weekly podcasts, and conferences.

How can I visit the Bethel Healing Rooms?
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Currently, we invite you to join us on our Healing Rooms Facebook Page to enjoy the Encounter Room online Saturday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00am. Our Healing Rooms Online Zoom Ministry is available Saturday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00am PST by appointment only. Please see the link on this landing page to pre-register to join us. You can register to join us on Zoom if you live outside of Redding, or in-person if you live locally.

Please pre-register if you plan to join us in person or online. We have limited capacity for guests at this time.

What are some upcoming events?
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Be sure to check out for the most up-to-date information and to register. Or, visit Bethel.TV to join us online. Please note, not all events are streamed.

What times are your services?
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We have two campuses with multiple services. For a full listing of all Bethel weekend services at our campuses, see our Weekends page. If you plan to attend a service at College View, we recommend attending our 8:00am or 1:00pm service for easier parking and more children’s ministry and sanctuary seating. You’re welcome to attend at 10:30am, but that service fills up fast—good thing we have an overflow room!

Can I transfer my ticket from in-person to online?
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All Bethel Events are non-refundable and non-transferable.

In-Person Experience
Are there ATM machines on site?
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Yes, there is an ATM near the administration office breezeway.

Does the conference offer translation services?
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Yes! This year, we are pleased to offer translation services for those needing it. The languages we have available for translation will be Spanish, German, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Russian. To access these services, Please stop by our info booth inside the conference lounge and get set up in person.

Please note, once you arrive you will need your smartphone and a pair of headphones to access the translation services. 

I'm at the conference and have lost an item, how do I find it?
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If you lost an item while at a conference, please be sure to visit the Info Table first. If they haven't located your item by the end of the conference, then please fill out the below form.

Note: Due to the size of our campuses, number of events, and number of attenders, we aren't always able to locate lost items, but we do our best to reunite lost items with their owners!

Lost & Found Form

What are the event meal options?
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Meals are not included, however, you have options!


Redding offers a variety of good food, coffee, and juices. Check out where to eat and what to do here!

When does check-in for the in-person event begin?
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Check-in begins at 9:00am in the Great Room at the College View Campus. You will receive your wristband after checking in. Check-in will be open until 6:00 pm. 

Where do I park during the event?
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Parking is available at the Bethel College View Campus, however, we ask that you please help us by not parking in the staff or reserved parking areas. With permission, overnight parking is available for Class A vehicles. To register your Class A vehicle please visit the Bethel Administration Office, Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Online Event Experience
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How do I access the chat?
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In each video on BTV, there is a chat bubble in the upper righthand corner. Please click this bubble to expand the chat and join the conversation.

The chat is a place to encourage, share testimonies, request prayer, prophecy and get to know each other. Please honor these guidelines and restrain posing questions that would be antagonistic to others or foster a heart of division.

How do I join the livestream?
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When the event goes live, you simply need to login to your Bethel.TV account.

You will also see on the highlights rail, similarly to Sunday services, a thumbnail with the event image and a little red live button. Here is a short loom video where we lead you through the basics of accessing live-streamed content on Bethel.TV.

Who do I contact if something isn’t working?
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For all technical questions or issues that may arise please email

Please attach/provide screen recording and screenshots of the issues you are experiencing so that we can investigate the issue further.

Will there be Zoom ministry provided?
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Yes, for all registered Online attendees there will be Zoom ministry provided by an Online ministry team. The Zoom link will be provided after the last session each night in the chat.

Travel & Accomodations
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