Physical Healing

Heal the Whole Man

July 30, 2020
A man gets healed from PTSD due to past trauma that also affected his body and gets a renewed mind that transformed his life during the Randy Clark Conference and Healing rooms.

It is not hard to explain the beauty of what I received and saw others receiving during my recent attendance at the Randy Clark School of Healing and Impartation and the Bethel Redding Healing Rooms. Words cannot fully explain, however, how God showed up for me in not only physical healing but inner healing as well. I could best describe it as holy and powerful, beautiful beyond description. En route to the conference, I was asking God what He was up to and what He wanted to do with me coming to the Randy Clark conference. His response was, "Heal the whole man." In that instant, he brought in a myriad of memories associated with places in my life that God wanted to touch. When the Randy Clark team called out a word of knowledge during the first session of anyone with head trauma, I knew that was me and stood up for prayer. The second night was a repeat and more prayer. Later at the end of that night's session, Mike Hutchings of Global Awakening laid hands on my head and prayed, and release from what was holding me came. I had been suffering from PTSD for nearly 20 years, and my condition was getting worse the last few years with the loss of sleep, nightmares of memories, pain, anxiety, and fear that develops when the enemy grabs hold of your mind and takes it down all the dark places of your past. I slept in my hotel room a full night for the first time in years! Saturday after the conference I was praying into the day, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to delay my trip back home and go to the Healing Rooms at Bethel, a first-time experience I was excited to be a part of. I showed up completely open to what He wanted to do. The experience completely took me off my feet; the intervention of the Holy Spirit was mighty. I had a few physical places in my body that needed healing. God once again reminded me He wanted to heal the whole man, so I went in knowing he was going to complete what he intended to do with those words. Those conditions that I had were, for the most part, healed in worship before I even got to the main session of the Healing Room. When I got to the Healing Room, my team leader came and got me and took me to my group, and that is where this testimony is taken to another level. I experienced the touch of the Holy Spirit's loving, kind, gentle hand upon my body to heal my neck injury from being banged up over the years and the trauma associated with PTSD. As He had completed this work, one of the ladies in the prayer team went after more of what Jesus meant when He said he was going to heal the whole man. She called out a word that God wanted to come into my spirit and heal the inner place of my spirit and asked if I would let Him in. This has long been a difficult place for me to give access to anyone, even Jesus. I have as she put it had to "buck up" and separate my heart and spirit from myself to get through what I have had to do in life. The timing and the intimacy that the worship brought to my heart were enough to soften even the hardest warrior. The tears began to flow, the heaving in my breath, and my chest began to well up. For five minutes, I could do nothing but cry, and with every breath, a tear was produced that held a memory of my past associated with PTSD. Those tears were tears of joy, tears of pain, and release all at the same time, and I could feel Jesus' kind touch redeeming every one of them, a beautiful confirmation of His goodness and a love to seek us to the very roots our spirit, soul, and body. I received the "Mind of Christ" in that session, a new mind! I cannot express the new normal that I am now living in and the complete 100% healing that I am experiencing right now several weeks after the event. Every day I wake up and see things from a different lens, the way He sees things. I am so grateful!

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