Physical Healing

A Long-Awaited Baby on the Way

September 26, 2017
Couple became pregnant after years of hopelessness.

This testimony is from the Wonder Conference at Bethel:I received prayer when Dawna DeSilva called out to women who were trying to conceive, even extending it to unblock anything preventing conception in—not only me but anything in my husband. We have been trying for three years now, even more the last two years. My husband had given up and discouragement had taken hold. I was keeping hope, alone.

When the prayer took place at the Wonder Conference, I felt a shift inside my spirit and body and knew it was done, that God called it done! Fear was broken off of me in prayer as well.

Well, I'm happy to report that within the first four days of my return home from the conference, we conceived and I'm pregnant! Praise God! I tested positive at just three weeks after having so many symptoms. We can't wait to meet our baby, and we are so grateful to God and to Dawna for yielding to this prompting to pray. Thank you!

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